Torrance & Redondo Beach 1st Qtr Home Sales Report

Here is the latest real estate market report for South Bay LA with the detailed analysis of two selected markets: Redondo Beach and Torrance. These two markets represent the South Bay perfectly. However, the real estate is local and prices are local. If you'd like a more precise analysis of your neighborhood, we'll be happy to provide it anytime with no obligation. 

In Torrance, single family home average sales price was $1,246,246 which was 13 percent higher than a year ago.

Redondo Beach average single family home price was $1,923.000 - that's a 17 percent increase.  The sales volume both in Torrance and Redondo Beach was similar to previous year.

You can create your own market report for any market, city, zip code, area, property type, save and receive email update. It'll help you to be current with your area market conditions. These reports can be helpful if you're either a buyer or a seller in South Bay LA. Call us at (310)918-5027 with any questions.


 Contact us for your Free Home Evaluation.  Call (310)918-5027 today. We'll be happy to help!


Single Family Homes

Torrance 1st Qtr 2024 1st Qtr 2023 Difference
No. of Sales 133 134 -1%
Average Price $1,246,246 $1,107,357 +13%
Median Price $1,200,000 $1,075,000 +12%
Days on Market 19 39 -20 days


Condos and Townhomes

Torrance 1st Qtr 2024 1st Qtr 2023 Difference
No. of Sales 73 46 +59%
Average Price $719,024 $633,280 +14%
Median Price $680,000 $578,000 +18%
Days on Market 29 33 - 4 days


Torrance Market Report in Real Time



Single Family Homes

Redondo Beach  1st Qtr 1st Qtr 2023 Difference 
No. of Sales 38 40 +5%
Average Price $1,923,000 $1,650,000  +17%
Median Price $1,838,000 $1,508,000 +22%
Days on Market 35 43 -8 days 


Condos and Townhomes

Redondo Beach 1st Qtr 2024 1st Qtr 2023 Difference
No. of Sales 56 57 -2%
Average Price $1,431,170 $1,262,522 +13%
Median Price $1,385,000 $1,150,000 +20%
Days on Market 35 49 -14 days


Redondo Beach Market Report in Real Time 

Every market is different, sometimes a couple of blocks make a difference in valuation.  Contact us at (310)918-5027 for your Free home evaluation or click below to get an instant report:

torrance home evaluation